Sunday, August 26, 2012


i need it to be sourer and more bitter to impact my mouth
then the aroma will stimulate my brain and motivate my soul

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bonus - BBC Learning English message boards

It is common to see a lot of rare number for me in my electronic engineering book.

So I have a question about how to pronounce the numbers.

Here’s my question and their reply.

Dear teacher:

I don't know how to pronounce
number with . e.g. 34.55
fraction e.g. 13/14
root sign e.g. √10

Are there any formal and informal pronunciation?
I will be glad to hear your answer.

Thank you very much.

Hi, birdKen,

34.55 = thirty-four point five five
13/14 = thirteen fourteenths

square root of ten


In fact, I have other questions, but I can’t type the specific sign.

And I think, there have to be a searching function.

After I post a question, it’s troubling to find what I post after a few days.

BBC learning is a good site that has many materials, I’ll visit this site often.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Assignments 10 - MIT Open Courseware

Wow! MIT OCW is amazing! There are so many kinds of courses and famous professors. Even though I live here in Taiwan, I could also take a class in MIT! The way MIT teaching student is extremely impressive, no wonder she is the top 10 school of the world. They have a large classroom where teachers can even perform a experiment in the classroom. That’s what teachers in Taiwan can’t do.

I find that there are many kinds of courses which are useful to me, like linear algebra, differential equation etc. I didn’t do well at some of the courses I had taken, and they have those courses! And I also find that some classes in our school for the graduate student are taught in English. I think this website can help me a lot to review what I learn and make me being used to be in an English teaching environment.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Assignments 9 - New Year Reflection & Hope

Time goes by fast and there will come the new year! Recalling the past year, something looks better, but still something doesn’t satisfy me. In this semester, I quit the club, and take less courses than last semester. It seems that I may have more time. But I go to the cram school for the graduate school and start to have a monograph about photoelectric devices.

The most interesting thing is that our laboratory is in Academia Sinica rather than our school. It takes a long time whenever I went there because Academia Sinica is so far in Nangang. However, there are many very expensive and precision instruments, I learn a lot there.

The poor time management is always the thing that bothers me. Whenever I decide to do my homework, there’s a demon saying” Ten more minutes, just ten minutes, you need to relax.” Then I will relax for about two hours……. I have wished that I could have good time management for years, and this year is no exception. I wish I could manage my time well in the coming new year!

In this year, I 've found a lot of things I should learn and want to learn. I will work harder to make everything better!

Hope you all have a happy New Year!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Assignment 8 - ESL Podcast 528 – Negotiating Salary


be delighted to : very happy, pleased
If you are delighted to hear the news means you are happy to hear that.

salary v.s. wage :
Salary is the mount of money you are paid in a year regardless how many hours you work.
Wage is usually paid by hours.
Professional jobs always paid by salary, but wage is paid for those jobs which don't require the specific skills as professional jobs.

compensation package :
combination of all the things that you get in exchanging for working st your job, like health insurance, vacation days, retire money, etc..

to jump at :
to decide to do something immediately without thinking before making decision because it is so good

to close the gap means to compromise
to reduce demands in order to reach an agreement with someone

Well, $60,000 is really the ceiling for that position.
in this sentence ceiling not means the top inside surface of a room, it means the upper limit

ESL Podcast is a nice English teaching tool.
He play the conversation with a slower speed at first.
Then he has us a detailed explanation with the same slow speed.
Finally, he replay the conversation again with the normal speed.
His explanation is in great detail so it's hard to not understand his conversation.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Assignments 7 - Steve Jobs' speech

a ceremony at which students receive their academic degrees

the money paid for this type of teaching
e.g.Few can afford the tuition of $12 000 a term.
small but important
e.g.There is a subtle difference between these two plans.

a new growth of activity or interest in something, especially art, literature or music
e.g.Opera in Britain is enjoying a long-awaited renaissance.
to recognize and name the exact character of a disease or a problem, by examining it
e.g.The electrician has diagnosed a fault in the wiring.

a fixed, especially religious, belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without any doubts
polaroid cameras :


the money pwhen someone says goodbye
e.g.We said our sad farewells and got on the bus.
not scruple to do sth:

to not care that something you do is morally wrong or likely to have bad results

Jobs told us three stories in his speech. The first one is about that he did not scruple to drop out college for finding what he loved. The second is that even though he got very frustrated he still insisted in what he loved. The final one is telling us that everything is secondary, what you have to do is just have the courage and follow your heart and intuition.

In our society, it is almost impossible to do as what he said. There is a quote from Jean Jacques Rousseau, "Man is born free, but everywhere he is in chains." We are expected to do too many "right" things. Our voice in our soul is drawn out, we can't help but to follow the dogma.

Jobs told us to have the courage to find what we want and insist on it. I think it's true but it's not easy to do so. There are two problems: It's hard to find what we truly want. If you really find it, but it's not the "correct" thing the society admit, it's will very difficult to keep on. Jobs did not only have the courage to follow his heart but also the determination.

Making the conclusion, find what we "truly" want is important, not like I like to sleep or I love to hanging out and have a chat. And after figure out we truly want, we should spare no effort to do it.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Assignments 6 - Randall's Cyber Listening Lab

Title: Baking Cookies
Level: medium
Topic: baking
Type: cooking show
Speakers: man - young woma
Length: 02:31

1.humble : (1)not proud or not believing that you are important
He's very humble about his success.
(2)poor or of a low social rank
Even when she became rich and famous, she never forgot her humble background.
(3)ordinary; not large, special or very important
Welcome to our humble abode.

2.crisp : hard enough to be broken easily; describes cooked foods, such as pastry and biscuits, that are well cooked so that they are just dry and hard enough
Bake until the pastry is golden and crisp. extinguisher : 滅火器

4.pinch : [verb] to squeeze something, especially someone's skin, strongly between two hard things such as a finger and a thumb, usually causing pain
He pinched the baby’s cheek playfully.
[noun]a small amount of something, such as a powder, especially the amount which a person can hold between their first finger and thumb
While the tomatoes are cooking add a pinch of salt

5.batch : a number of people or things that are dealt with as a group
We deliver the goods in batches.

Title: Baking Cookies
Level: medium
Topic: food
Type: conversation
Speakers: man - woman
Length: 01:44

1.bruise : [noun] (1)a blue, brown or purple mark that appears on the skin after sb has fallen, been hit, etc
His arms and back were covered in bruises.
(2) a mark on a fruit or vegetable where it is damaged
[verb] (1)to develop a bruise or to cause someone or something to have a bruise
Strawberries bruise easily.
(2)to affect sb badly and make them feel unhappy and less confident
They had been badly bruised by the defeat.
[adj] (1)having bruises
a bruised shoulder/knee/elbow
(2)emotionally hurt as a result of a bad experience

2.cereal : a food that is made from grain and eaten with milk, especially in the morning
a bowl of cereal

3.powered milk : dried milk in the form of a powder

4.cupboard : a piece of furniture or a small part of a room with a door or doors behind which there is pace for storing things, usually on shelves
a built-in cupboard

5.nasty : (1)bad or very unpleasant
She has a nasty habit of picking on people in meetings.
(2)dangerous or violent
In an emergency you could get out through a window, but it would be a nasty drop.
(3)rude or offensive
She said some quite nasty things about him.


This blog is hard to make it neat.
I tried, but I give up.
It will cost me too much time.......
I'm so sorry that I cannot make it clear for you to read....
I'm so sorry