Saturday, January 2, 2010

Assignments 10 - MIT Open Courseware

Wow! MIT OCW is amazing! There are so many kinds of courses and famous professors. Even though I live here in Taiwan, I could also take a class in MIT! The way MIT teaching student is extremely impressive, no wonder she is the top 10 school of the world. They have a large classroom where teachers can even perform a experiment in the classroom. That’s what teachers in Taiwan can’t do.

I find that there are many kinds of courses which are useful to me, like linear algebra, differential equation etc. I didn’t do well at some of the courses I had taken, and they have those courses! And I also find that some classes in our school for the graduate student are taught in English. I think this website can help me a lot to review what I learn and make me being used to be in an English teaching environment.

1 comment:

  1. It seems you find this site helpful to you, Ken. Maybe, next semester, i should introduce this at the very beginning of the term so students could benefit from it earlier.
