Saturday, December 26, 2009

Assignments 9 - New Year Reflection & Hope

Time goes by fast and there will come the new year! Recalling the past year, something looks better, but still something doesn’t satisfy me. In this semester, I quit the club, and take less courses than last semester. It seems that I may have more time. But I go to the cram school for the graduate school and start to have a monograph about photoelectric devices.

The most interesting thing is that our laboratory is in Academia Sinica rather than our school. It takes a long time whenever I went there because Academia Sinica is so far in Nangang. However, there are many very expensive and precision instruments, I learn a lot there.

The poor time management is always the thing that bothers me. Whenever I decide to do my homework, there’s a demon saying” Ten more minutes, just ten minutes, you need to relax.” Then I will relax for about two hours……. I have wished that I could have good time management for years, and this year is no exception. I wish I could manage my time well in the coming new year!

In this year, I 've found a lot of things I should learn and want to learn. I will work harder to make everything better!

Hope you all have a happy New Year!


  1. Hope you get lots of experiences from doing your monograph.

    Happy New Year!

  2. There comes a substantial semester, I wish you could do them well!!!

  3. Ha~How lucky to meet you two times in one semester!
    Wish you enjoy ur days and a happy new year!

  4. This video probably will help you mangage your time better, Ken.
    Randy Pausch Lecture: Time Management

    So you're conducting a research in Academia Sinica... Should be a very good experience for undergraduate students.
