Monday, November 30, 2009

Assignment 8 - ESL Podcast 528 – Negotiating Salary


be delighted to : very happy, pleased
If you are delighted to hear the news means you are happy to hear that.

salary v.s. wage :
Salary is the mount of money you are paid in a year regardless how many hours you work.
Wage is usually paid by hours.
Professional jobs always paid by salary, but wage is paid for those jobs which don't require the specific skills as professional jobs.

compensation package :
combination of all the things that you get in exchanging for working st your job, like health insurance, vacation days, retire money, etc..

to jump at :
to decide to do something immediately without thinking before making decision because it is so good

to close the gap means to compromise
to reduce demands in order to reach an agreement with someone

Well, $60,000 is really the ceiling for that position.
in this sentence ceiling not means the top inside surface of a room, it means the upper limit

ESL Podcast is a nice English teaching tool.
He play the conversation with a slower speed at first.
Then he has us a detailed explanation with the same slow speed.
Finally, he replay the conversation again with the normal speed.
His explanation is in great detail so it's hard to not understand his conversation.

1 comment:

  1. Right, the teacher (host) speaks in a slower speed. Also, all the vocabulary words or difficult sentence structures are usually fully explained. It's indeed a good language learning site.
